Sunday, 30 March 2014

I'm Giving Up

We had a sermon in church this morning about Lent that spoke about the passage in 2 Chronicles15:1-19
I thought I would share what I got out this sermon in the quickest and shortest way possible 
The First step to take is we must remove the idols in our lives that stand in the way of our seeking God.
The Second is we must create new altars or habits that will help us connect with God.
The Third is we must assemble with those who have the same goals in mind and encourage one another

                Will we with intention, discipline, diligence seek after him? Or just float along? 

I came to the realisation that God really is just waiting right there for us to turn to him, He runs towards us as long as we make the first steps. These are just a few examples of where it mentions this in bible:
Matthew 7:7 seek him, God makes it easy for us to find him, James 4:8, the lost son parable

Lent is a time to intentional seek God 

So my goal for the next 21 days is to identify the obstacles keeping me from God, remove them and build new habits to bring me closer to God.
I started with deleting my Facebook app, I was constantly checking through the newsfeed even if I had just scrolled through and it was so pointless, I have only been without it a day and alreay I am having withdrawals so I am hoping that by ridding myself of such an unnecessary time consumer I will focus on more essential and worthy things.
The second thing I am giving up is sugar (I have even pinky promised my brother) I see sugar as one of my "guilty pleasures" it is something I am better off without and I gain nothing by adding it to my life, I have an insane sweet tooth so I know this will be a hard temptation to overcome. 
Also along this line is junk food, I have a terrible habit of going for quick and convenient rather than nutricious and beneficial, I spend way too much money on food when I go out and it is totally unnecessary since I have delicious and healthy food waiting for me when I get home. 
The last thing I am going to give up is a nasty habit I picked up when I got a job, I am often splurging on an item or two that are totally unnecessary and a waste of money. I enjoy the thrill of buying something I want and I know I don't need it but the luxury that comes with earning money has lead me to believe have some sort of right to treat myself to a little splurge when I never need it and cannot actually afford it.
Anyways this is just a record to show that I am committed to following through and at the end of Lent I will look back and see how I was able to draw on God for strength.

Verse of the day:
Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” (John 14:21 NIV)